Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Joy of Growing Herbs

I have probably been growing herbs for three or four years now. Seems to me, there's honestly hardly any science to it. Sometimes there is, but for the most part, they're pretty easy to grow. I do admit, for some reason there are ants on my German thyme, sometimes little cooties like to gnaw on my Basil leaves, but really. Think about it. Take mint for instance. It's easy to grow and hard to kill. Perfect combination for such a beneficial plant! In addition, there are countless varieties. Here are a few that I grow.

But really, it doesn't matter if you are a city slicker and only have a back porch to work with, or if you're a hayseed and have the back fifty to work with, you can grow herbs anywhere. And they're so much fun!! Medicinally, culinary, or teaching your little sibling how to differentiate bee balm from lemon balm. :)

If you have them, enjoy them. Use them. Savor their aromas. Thank God for these wonderful blessings!!


  1. This was a great post! Last week I dug up baby herbs and gave them to a young lady at our church for her to start with! She is only growing them on her porch, but she is doing it! And that's what counts!!!
    BTW I am linking her to this blog!

  2. Thanks so mych!! That's great about your friend!
    Blessings to you and happy gardenin'!

  3. Great post Jess! I was wondering if you would mind doing a post on growing Oregano. I have been growing herbs for only a year, and my oregano just went kerplop. Any advice? I even tried planting it twice.

  4. Hi! I also am working on my certification as an herbalist! I came across your website through Kelsey Hoppman. So are you using Shonda Parker's course? If not, what are you using?
