Sunday, December 20, 2009

Culinary Herbs...with Medicinal Properties!

Have you ever wandered through your garden looking at your basils and your tarragon and wondered what else you could do besides cook with them? Have you ever been to Wal-mart's nursery and bought a whole cart full of herb seedlings and wondered just what you were going to do with them all. Have you ever planted Oregano or Mint or Rosemary one too many times and thought to yourself, "Well I'll be...these things just don't stop growin'?" Have you ever looked through seed catalogs and ordered Evening Primrose or Marshmallow or something else mainly for medicinal purposes, just to discover that they didn't germinate or didn't take off like you expected.

Or, maybe you are like me, and there's just not many sources for medicinal plants in your area, and you're at a loss about what to do.

Well, until you get to that point and began growing medicinal plants in your garden, let me give you some wonderful news.

Almost every plant we use for cooking, has some sort of medicinal property.

Let me give you a short list of these wonderful herbs and a few things they can be used for.

Can be taken internally for indigestion and worms.
Externally for toothache and rheumatism.

Taken internally for digestive problems.
Externally for joint problems.

Taken internally for indigestion, colic, to aid lactation, and for urinary problems.
Can be used as a gargle for sore throats.

Internally for indigestion, depression, feverish colds, headaches, and as a sedative.
Externally for insect bites and gout.

Internally for colds, influenza, nausea, abdominal cramps, insomnia, and migraines.
Externally for insect stings, acne, skin infections, and non-venemous snakebites.

Internally for insomnia, headache, anxiety, and painful menstruation.
Externally for bronchitis, arthritis, sprains, and stiff joints.

Internally for colds and stomach upsets.
Externally for bronchitis and asthma.

Internally for menstrual problems, cystitis, kidney stones, indigestion, anemia, anorexia, and arthritis

Internally for headaches, migraines, depression, nervous tension, poor circulation, and digestive problems.
Externally for arthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, wounds, dandruff, and muscular injuries.

Internally for indigestion, flatulance, liver problems, night sweats, depression, female sterility, and menopausal problems.
Externally for insect bites and skin infections. Also used as an eyewash or mouthwash.

Internally for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, indigestion, and diarrhea.
Externally for tonsilitis, arthritis, gum disease, and fungal infections.

~~~Neat, huh?

Never take your Oregano or Rosemary plant for granted!


  1. Okay, Jess. this looks great! Keep the posts coming!
    God Bless you this Christmas season!

  2. Thanks so much!
    Hope ya'll have a very blessed Christmas!!

  3. WOW! This is so neat! I LOVE herbs and have been trying to research them! Thank you so much for this delightful info!
    Bethany Smith

  4. Lookin good Jess :) Keep'em coming ;)
